welcome to 'My Korea Corner' blog, a special place where i share my interest, my thoughts, my experiences, my pictures and everything about Korea. enjoy them ... Gamsahamnida. Thank You. Terima Kasih.
welcome to 'My Korea Corner' blog, a special place where i share my interest, my thoughts, my experiences, my pictures and everything about Korea. enjoy them ... Gamsahamnida. Thank You. Terima Kasih.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Korean Navy Visit and Entertain Jakarta
Hello everyone, it’s been so long i don’t write to this blog due to my busy work. Actually there are many Korea event on November I want to share here. Hope that it’s not too late and the information is still interesting to read.
Well, I’ll start with arrival of Korean Navy to Jakarta and how they entertaining us—indonesian and also Koreans—in Jakarta with their performances. They performed in two places; first performance at Lotte Shopping Avenue and second performance at Jakarta International Book Fair.
I saw the the Korean Navy performance at Main Atrium Lotte Shopping Avenue. What interested me is the performance of Korean Navy Band. The young soldiers of Korean navy band showed their talent in singing and dancing. They played classical music, theme song from musical and of course K-pop medley of SNSD
The performance of Korean Navy Band got standing ovation from the audiences, and also from Korean ambassador to Indonesia H.E Cho Tai Young who attended the event.
Besides music performance from Korean Navy Band, The Korean Navy also performed a Korean traditional dance Pungmulnori, Navy Honor Guard and Taekwondo. The audiences who saw the performances gave applause and seem amused with the whole performances.
The commander of Korean Navy Cruise Training Task Group 2014 Chun Jungsoo said that their visit to Jakarta is a part of sailing task for the young soldiers who just completed their training at the Soth Korea Naval Academy.
The fresh-graduate of Korean Navy sails for 96 days by visiting many countries. Indonesia is the 5th of 12 countries in Asia Pacific Region visited by Korean Navy Cruise Training Task Group.
Chun Jungsoo said that South Korean Navy has good relationship with Indonesian Navy. In addition to strengthening the friendship of both countries, Korean Navy at the same time promoting traditional dan modern Korean art and cultures.
“We have been cooperating in the field of defence industries, manufacture of submarines and T-50 aircraft, or send soldiers for training in Korea and vice versa,” said Junsoo.
During their visit, Korean Navy invited Jakarta residents to come and have a look the cruise of Korean Navy which leaned at the Port of Tanjung Priok []
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Korea-Indonesia Taekwondo Team Wow The Audience in Jakarta
I am not a kind of a sport-person, but last weekend I decided to come to Korea-Indonesia Taekwondo Festival Day 2014 to see taekwondo demonstration by Indonesia and Korea taekwondo team. The demonstration take place at Lotte Shopping Avenue, one of luxurious mall in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.
Korea and Indonesia Taekwondo team, with Korea for Indonesia H.E. Cho Tai Young ambassador
Indonesia taekwondo team
The team not only show their power in
kicking and punching but also show the art-side of taekwondo. It is
accordance with the meaning of taekwondo itself; Taek means kicking or
destroying something with the powerful kicking, Won means punching and
Do means art. In short, taekwondo means “The art of hand and leg”.
The ambassador of Korea to Indonesia Cho
Tai Young and his wife also presented on that event, along with the
board member of Kukkiwon, World of Taekwondo Headquarters and the board
member of Indonesia Taekwondo organization. The ambassador, Cho Tai
Young in his speech said that Korea-Indonesia Taekwondo Festival Day
2014 is a part of bilateral relationship in which Korea would introduce
the best aspect of Korean cultures—taekwondo is one of them—to
Indonesian, specially for them who are “Korea lovers”.
Korea taekwondo team from Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters
Korean taekwondo team consists of 18 athletes from Kukkiwon World Taekwondo Headquarters successfully entertained the spectators by their taekwondo performance. I am who is watching the taekwondo demonstration for the first time, finded it that taekwonodo is a kind of interesting sport and beautiful martial art.
After performing, Korea Kukkiwon taekwondo team invited the guests to try taekwondo. I saw many children did the trial, feelt the sensation of kicking and punching with taekwondo masters from Korea, a country of origin of taekwondo.
Overall, the event was a success. Last but not least, the event bridges Indonesia and Korea to build more cooperation in taekwondo.According to Director General Kukkiwon, Oh Dae Young, his organization has invited athletes or coaches from all over the world, including from Indonesia, to be trained as master and grandmaster and to get officially license as taekwondo coach. []
“Special Friends of Indonesia” Award for K-Pop Singer Eru
accepted an award from Indonesia Ambassador to the Republic of Korea,
John A. Prasetio
(picture documentation of korea
In commemorating of 69th Indonesia Independence Day, Indonesian Embassy in Seoul gave a special appreciation for Eru, a Korean singer, composer and actor.
Indonesia Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, John A. Prasetio in his acknowledgement said that Eru was awarded “Special Friends of Indonesia”because of his major role in promoting and strengthening relationship between Indonesia and Korea through cultural exchange, music and film.
Eru looked very happy to accept the award in the ceremony held at Wisma Duta, Indonesian Embassy in Seoul on August 29.
Indonesia celebrate its Independence Day every year on 17 August. Besides Eru, Indonesian Embassy in Seoul also gave an appreciation for a Korean public figure Profesor Kim Soo Il, an individual who have a lot of help and support to Indonesian Embassy in order to achieve its missions.
Eru and Indonesia
Jo Sung Hyun better known as Eru (pronounced: Iru) is a well-known singer, song writer and composer, but he started his first debut in Indonesia as an actor when he starred Indonesian movie entitled ‘Hello Goodbye’ in 2012, alongside with Indonesia actors Atiqah Hasiholan and Rio Dewanto. Eru played a street singer in the movie and his hit song ‘Black Glasses’ was also chosen as the movie soundtrack.
At that time, Eru said that the movie marked his comeback to entertainment industry after completing his mandatory military service in 2010. Eru visited Indonesia for the first time to promote the movie. He got a place in Indonesia public since then, mainly among K-Pop lovers.
After his movie debut, Eru come back to Indonesia many times and doing some music projects. He make a duet with Indonesian comedian, Sule, singing a song ‘Sarangheyo’ that became a hits. Eru also appeared in many TV programmes that increased his popularity in Indonesia.
Eru entertains K-Pop lovers by holding music concerts in Jakarta. If I am not mistaken, he has held his concert in Jakarta three times. I have once attended his first concert in which he brought along another Korean singer, a rising star Ailee. More than that, Eru also was chosen as an ambassador by a Korean shopping center in Indonesia, and he himself starting his own business here.
In many occasions and interviews, Eru often said that he loves Indonesia a lot and is very thankful and moved to see how Indonesian public appreciate him as an foreign artist. He even has been learning Indonesian language to support his career.
The latest news, Eru will be in Indonesia again on this September for his movie projects. It is said that Eru will play a main role in two films produced by Indonesian local television. In first movie ‘Second Chance’, Eru’s co-star is Indonesian actress Kimberly Ryder, and in his second movie ‘I Love You Eru’ he will act with another Indonesian actress Natasha Rizki. Well then, congratulation Eru and good luck!
“Public Art and Urban Space” From Korea to Cikini
“Public Art and Urban Space” Visual Documentation Exhibiton at KCC Jakarta, Indonesia
The exhibition and presentation are the brainwork of two Indonesian academicians, Citra Smara Devi and Susi Harahap who just finished their research and observation in three Korea cities; Seoul, Incheon and Paju Heyri Art Valley. Citra and Susi are lecturers of the Faculty of Art and Design at Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ-Jakarta Institute of The Arts). They are selected to visit Korea for research on expense of Korean Cultural Center, followed-up a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by KCC and Institut Kesenian Jakarta on Mei 2014.
The MoU declared cooperation between the two institutions in which KCC facilitating lecturers from IKJ-Faculty of Art and Design to come and do their research on “public art and urban space” in three cities in Korea. In its press-release, KCC Jakarta said that Seoul, Incheon and Paju Heyri Artvalley were choosen as locations for the the research based on its good potencies on art, culture and tourism. Seoul, for example, received ‘ UNESCO Design Creative City’ award. As an urban city, Seoul is not only implementing a city-based Information Communication and Technology policy, but also put attention on green design on its urban planning.
During their 10-days visit, Citra Smara Devi and Susi Harahap directly observed the development of those three cities by doing visual documentation and analysis some aspects related to the attractiveness of the cities.
The Exhibition and Presentation “Public Art and Urban Space Korea” was officially opened by Director of KCC Jakarta, Kim Seokgi and the Head of Institut Kesenian Jakarta, Dr. Wagiono Sunarto, M.Sc.
Public Art in Incheon, Seoul and Paju
I am very impressed seeing visual documentation of public art on urban space in some places in Incheon, such as Canal Walk Song Dong, Mural Fairy Tales village, China Town and Sinpo Market International. Those places look not onlu unique and artistic but also very attractive. I imagine myself enjoying the beauty of art and pleasant atmosphere in those places.
Citra Smara Devi on her presentation said that Incheon is successfully being a modern metropolitan city but still look aesthetical. Local government, added Citra, applying urban planning policies with public space artwork approaches. For instant, Incheon Metropolitan City initiated the creation of Incheon Art Platform (IAP) area, a multiplex cultural arts center. The area once was a harbor warehouse which is not fully utilized. Now, the IAP area in Incheon become a well-known art district in Korea with many activities from art exhibition, art performances, discussion and artists residences from around the world.
Incheon Art Platform (IAP) areas
“Street art furniture produced various artworks in the form of sculptures and other aesthetic forms, for example the use of plumbing pipes as seats for people who want to rest and relax,” She added.
Beside IAP area, the business district of Songdo is other attractive place in Incheon. Songdo is one of the cities in Korea that is growing rapidly, characterized by the growth of good urban planning combine with aesthetic aspects. That why this city is also known as “ the future of Icheon” because of its futuristic city concept, yet retaining the Go Green concept.
There is an integrated area in Songdong called Canal Walk, it’s a shopping complex with many shops and cafes with attractive design. The function of the buildings, technology and the aesthetic are harmoniously integrated in Canal Walk area.
Incheon also successfully changed its slump areas with high crime rate into a safe place and offer beautiful mural arts. One of famous mural area in Incheon is Mural Fairy Tale Village. The concept of this mural village inspired by characters from fairy tales around the world. The use of bright colours such us red, yellow, orange, blue and green on this mural village make this place very interesting and become a tourist destination in Korea.
Fairy Tale Mural Art Village
China Town
Sinpo Market International near China Town
The concept of go green, public art and aesthetic aspects in urban spaces also implemented in Seoul in different forms on landscapes and architectural masterpieces. In “book city” Paju those concept implemented in Heyri Artvillage. Susi Harahap who did observation and research in Paju said that the village combine agrarian and ecological concept on the basis of art and culture. Heyri Artvillage also become an important and a must-visit tourist destination in Korea.
Paju “Book City”
From Korea to Cikini
As academicians Citra and Susi said that the development and the civilization of the city can be seen from how the growth of public art can increase the function of urban spaces and beautify them aesthetically.
According to them, Institut Kesenian Jakarta actually has already implemented the concept of public art for the public space on new construction and development at its campus area. After visiting Seoul, Incheon and Paju Heyri Artvillage, they admit the need to increase sense of art in creating public spaces, specially in Jakarta, that is not only more attractive but also more comfortable for its citizens.
Director of KCC Indonesia, Kim Seokgi (far right), Citra Smara Devi (far left), Susi Harahap (Centre)
Cikini, according to Citra and Susi, is worthy of being an art tourism area and being tourist destination. It just need structuring and maximum arrangement by using public artworks and maximizing the elements of fine and visual art. So far, those two lecturers from IKJ has discussed the action planning with the head of local district and gain full support. But It takes time to realize their recommendation. Let’s wait and see. []
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Korea-Indonesia: Building Relationship Through Research on Art and Culture
Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (KCCI) in cooperation with Korean Art Management Service (KAMS) organized Next Expert Training (NEXT) by holding the event “2014 Korea-Indonesia International Exchange Matching Supporting Global Labor Force Project”.
The program was open publicly specially for the professionals whose expertizes in or working on art and culture sectors. The participants who want to join the program has to pass selection process by submitting their application and having interview session in KCCI office in Jakarta.
Finally, three participants were selected to take part on this program. They are Umi Lestari, Dian Ina Mahendra and Mitha Budhyarto. What make us proud of that the selected participants are all young and talented women.
Umi Lestari is an editor and reporter at a web-based media about literature and its development in Indonesia. She also actively involved in some theater performances in Yogyakarta ( one of big city in Indonesia well known with its traditional culture and heritages ) as a lead actor.
Dian Ina Mahendra is a creative, independent professional with a solid background in International Relations. She has more than 9 years of experience in arts management, organizing event, copywriting, creative writing and media relations. Now, Dian is working as a Gallery and Art Store Manager at Komunitas Salihara in Jakarta.
Mitha Budyarto is a Jakarta-based academic and independent curator. She is currating and creating catalogue essays for various arts exhibition in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bandung. On her profile written that she is keen to expand her curatorial skills and research experiences especially in the area of contemporary Asian art practices.
The three selected participants then conducted their research project and participated in workshop in three different cities in Korea; Busan, Incheon and Paju on May 2014.
Related with this event, Kim So Jin, who works on NEXT program and a curator at KCCI said that “2014 Korea-Indonesia International Exchange Matching Supporting Global Labor Force Project” has very important goals.
It is said that the project was aimed at to introduce and explore Korean art and cultural management , to enhance the participants capability in the area of art and cultural management and planning, to expand international networking, building relationship and coorporation among experts in art and culture between Korea and Indonesia.
What Next and What to Contribute?
After conducting their research in Korea for almost two weeks, the three participants presented their respective research review and sharing their experiences about what they did, observed and what places they visited during their stay in Korea, and what further action they will do in Indonesia to implement the knowledge they gained from their research in Korea.
Presentation and review was held in Multifunction Room, Korean Cultural Center Indonesia on Tuesday, June 17. The audiences range from university students, media representatives and academics attentively listened the review presentation.
Umi Lestari presented her review on case study region festival Busan International Theater Festival (BIPAF). Her research focus on art performance and festival management, from financial management, how to select the art group that will perform and publication. What she learned from BIPAF inspired her to hold similar theater festival in Yogyakarta entitled “Shadow of the Past”. She said that the festival will involved theater and dance group from Indonesia and Korea. Umi plans to organize the festival on December 2014 or alternatively on May, 2015.
Dian Ina Mahendra who did her research on case study Muticultural Art Complex: Paju, Heyri Art Village plan to hold an art project called “The Secrets of the Farmers” at Jatisura Village, West Java Province. On this project, Dian will invite the farmers group from Heyri Art Village to exchange the secrets of their farming style and philosophy with the farmers at Jatisura Village. By her project, Dian wants to encourage the farmers and stimulate other people to engange in farming.
Last but not least, Mitha Budhyarto conducted her research on case study Incheon Art Platform and Revitalization Strategy at Chinatown area in Incheon. As further action, Mitha plan to organize Swap-Meet Project among academics and practitioner from Indonesia and Korea to do further and more comprehensive study on problems of revitalization and urban spaces in Jakarta, specifically at the Old Town area.
After visiting and doing their research in Korea, Umi, Dian as well as Mitha admitted their impression to see how Korean people engange and preserve their interest in art and culture as a part of their daily life and turn them into various festivals that attract many local and foreign tourists. The three participants also appreciate Korean government in supporting the implementation, promotion and the development of local art and culture festivals and exhibition.
They hope what they learned from their research in Korea could also apply in Indonesia, and encourgae the local government to fully support any activities on art and culture sector conducted by local community. []
Friday, June 6, 2014
Asian Dream Cup 2014 : When Sport and Entertainment Go Together
Retired south Korean soccer player Park Ji-sung through his JS Foundation successfully held the fourth Asian Dream Cup 2014 at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Indonesia on June 2.
Asian Dream Cup is a charity soccer match, featuring a collaboration of Korean and world soccer stars. This event has previously been held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2011; Bangkok, Thailand in 2012 and Shanghai in 2013.
Asian Dream Cup 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia presented a friendly football match between Korean JS and Friends team against Indonesian All Stars team.
Korean team consists of Korean soccer stars including Park Ji Sung, Lee Jeong Soo, Jeong Dae Se, Gianlucca Zambrotta, Hideyuki Ujiie, Lee Kyeong Taek, and many more. Last but not least the cast of Korean popular reality show Running Man such as Ji Suk Jin, HaHa, Kang Gary, Lee Kwang Soo and Kim Jong Kook. Another cast of Running Man, actress Song Ji Hyo was also present, but not join the match.
And that Indonesian All Stars team consists of provisional line up comprising Bambang Pamungkas, Ponaryo Astaman, Firman Utina, and some Indonesian celebrities such as Rico Cepe, Ibnu Jamil and pop singer Judika.
Besides the member of Running Man, this year Asian Dream Cup bring along Korean new girlband group Crayon Pop. Member of boyband SHINee, Choi Min Ho who was initially said will join, canceled his participation in this event.
The present of those Korean pop stars become the center of attention, a magnet for this charity event. More than 20,000 spectators filled the stadium to see their idols play in a football match. Crayon Pop performed their cute dancing style in the open soccer field has made the event more merrier and filled with joy. The crowds were shouting and cheering during the match and Crayon Pop performance.
The friendly football match, JS and Friends team versus Indonesia All Stars, ended with the final score 3-2 for Indonesian team. But JS and Friends team won the heart of their fans in Indonesia anyway.
After the match event, member of Running Man expressed their feeling of amazement and thankfulness to see the enthusiasm of their fans in Indonesia. Ji Suk Jin, HaHa, Kang Gary and Lee Kwang Soo showed their happiness in pictures posted in their social media account. Haha for example, wrote “Thank You Indonesia !! I love Indonesia. Till we met again !”.
Asian Dream Cup 2014 once again has successfully held the sportainment—a combination of sport and entertainment—by involving Korean sport stars and K-pop stars. The influence of Korean wave today added contribution in bringing Korea lovers in Indonesia to come and look on in this annual event.
The proceeds from ticket sales, which range from Rp.75,000 (US$6) to 750,000 (US$60)—the VIP tickets for the training day on June 1 were on sale at Rp. 1.8 million—will go to JS charity foundation to promote soccer in the Southeast Asian region. []
** Note: all photos in courtesy of Korean Cultural Center Indonesia.
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